[2025/Q2] VS Code Extension
- VS Code Extension for Actifsource
- Actifsource is running headless
- Editor Support for
- Resource Editor
- Domain Diagram Editor
[2024/Q2] CIP v2
- #6774 Access to inquiry from process with multiplicity
- #6814 CIP process inheritance
- #6894 Synchronize one cip state diagram with another
- #6958 CIP support Deep History State
[2021/Q2] DerivedProperty
[2021/Q1] Enhanced Selector Syntax
[2020/Q4] Diff/Merge for Actifsource Templates
- Diff/Merge-Support for Templates
[2018/Q3] Actifsource Tabular Resource Editor
- Support of a new Tabular Resource Editor
[2018/Q2] CIP Super State
- CIP shall support super states
[2017/Q2] Eclipse Neon Support
- Support of Eclipse Neon
[2016/Q3] Actifsource Performance Improvement
- Code Generator Performance Improvement
- Multi-Threaded Code Generator
[2016/Q1] Separate files on file system for aggregates
Actifsource distinguishes between aggregates and compositions (like in UML).
- Aggregated resources shall lead to a separate .asr file on the file system
- The lifetime of the .asr files for aggregated resources is managed automatically
- Diff/Merge will work with much better performance on separated models
[2014/Q2] Code Snippets
- Code Snippets are parsed Text Attributes
- Selectable Language as C, StructuredText, etc.
- Transformation of CodeSnippets into a volatile Model
- Transformation of the Model via Templates in any other programming language like C, ST, VHDL
[2014/Q2] Referencable CIP Processes
- CIP Processes can be managed in a process library
- CIP Processes from the process libraries may be reused in clusters
[2014/Q1] Diff/Merge for Domain Diagrams
- Graphical Diff/Merge for Domain Diagrams
- 2-Step Diff
- Diff for newly inserted or deleted resources
- Diff for moved resources
[2013/Q4] New Relation Concept
- UML-like relation like reference, aggregation, composition
- use-Releation becomes reference
- own-relation becomes aggregation or composition
- Aggregations are building aggregates like stated in Eric Evans Domain Driven Design
- Eclipse Project Navigator only shows aggregations in tree
- Resource navigation (breadcrump) is done by aggregates
[2013/Q3] Actifsource CIP/Animation
- Animation of any user defined models (especially the CIP Statemachine)
- Animated via web browser as svg graphics
- We are still looking for development partners
[2013/Q3] Actifsource/CIP C++ Generator
- C++ generator for Actifsource/CIP
- Analysis of generator options has already been done
[2013/Q1] Actifsource/CIP Documentation
- Generating Actifsource/CIP documentation in xhtml/pdf format
- Including Pulse Cast Trees for synchronous pulse analyses
[2012/Q4] Cease Java 6 Support by the End of Year
- We are switching to Java 7 by the end of year
- Java 6 support is no longer granted
[2012/Q4] Actifsource Arduino Integration
- Generating CIP Code for die Arduino board
- Tutorial which shows how to setup the environment
[2012/Q4] Simple CIP Animation and Unit Tests (text-based)
- Simple text-based CIP state engine animation/simulation
- text-based unit tests for the CIP state engine
- Event stimulus and action expectations
- Generated test documents (use cases)
- See Actifsource V5.6.4