Release: Actifsource V10.12.0
It shall be possible to define selectors without writing a Java implementation. To make this possible there are know a lot new operators which can be used in the selector. Just used Content Assist (Ctrl+Space) to get a selection of possible keywords.
Actually we do support the following keywords in the selector:

Example Design:

IncludeFilter: The result of the following selector are all A's which do have at least one C reachable via A.b.c

RegexFilter: The name property must match the regex:

Sort: All B's sorted by name and than reversed:

It shall be possible to define selectors without writing a Java implementation. To make this possible there are know a lot new operators which can be used in the selector. Just used Content Assist (Ctrl+Space) to get a selection of possible keywords.
Actually we do support the following keywords in the selector:

Example Design:

IncludeFilter: The result of the following selector are all A's which do have at least one C reachable via A.b.c

RegexFilter: The name property must match the regex:

Sort: All B's sorted by name and than reversed:

Equals: All C with a name equals "C1":

Constants can be used as follows:
- StringLiteral -> "Test"
- IntegerLiteral -> 12
- DoubleLiteral -> 12.55 or 12f
- LongLiteral -> 12l