Release: Actifsource V11.2.0
It should be possible to adjust the spcific resource properties values via the actifsource resource wizard as soon as a property is modified.

As soon as the property 'BooleanAttributeRangeTest' is deselected, then not only the property 'BooleanLiteralRangeTest' shall not be editable but also the valve of this property shall change to false:

On github the example has been extended:
It should be possible to adjust the spcific resource properties values via the actifsource resource wizard as soon as a property is modified.

As soon as the property 'BooleanAttributeRangeTest' is deselected, then not only the property 'BooleanLiteralRangeTest' shall not be editable but also the valve of this property shall change to false:

On github the example has been extended: