It should be possible to easily validate an Actifsource project via Ant in order to integrate the validation process into the CI/CD pipeline.
The corresponding Ant file can be generated automatically via Project Explorer 'Export->Actifsource->Ant BuildFiel Export':

The Ant file now contains the following target:

The validator can now be configured using the properties:
On github there is an example (Use the ant build file 'asbuild.dynamic.loading.compile_validate_generate.xml'):
The corresponding Ant file can be generated automatically via Project Explorer 'Export->Actifsource->Ant BuildFiel Export':

The Ant file now contains the following target:

The validator can now be configured using the properties:
- exceptiontype: Defines the error types that must occur for the target to produce an exception which stops the build.
- validationproperty: All errors that occur (error, warning or info) are written to this property, which can be used in the antscript.
- validationfilepath: All errors that occur (error, warning or info) are exported to this file.
On github there is an example (Use the ant build file 'asbuild.dynamic.loading.compile_validate_generate.xml'):
- See